Members of Masonic District D are invited to attend a stated meeting of the Northeast Chapter, Order of DeMolay at their annual installation of officers.
“DeMolay is the premier youth organization dedicated to teaching young men to be better persons and leaders.
DeMolay is for young men between the ages of twelve and twenty-one. DeMolay members include all types of leaders: United States Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, State Governors, Astronauts, Professional Athletes, and Chairmen of major corporations. DeMolay Alumni include Walt Disney, John Wayne, Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather to name but a few. Founded in 1919 in Kansas City, Missouri, DeMolay has spread to every state in the Union, and several countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Japan, Panama, and the Philippines. Currently there are more than one thousand chapters with over one million alumni. ”
All interested participants should RSVP to William Soloway using the button below: