Worshipful Master's Message - September 2021

Each month, the Worshipful Master provides an update on current events in relation to Freemasonry in general and Lodge No. 2 in particular. Please see below for for this month’s message from the Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 2.

Dear Brethren,

I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer! I’m looking forward to what we have planned for the Fall, especially since we will be resuming the conferral of Masonic degrees. With the recent rise in COVID cases, the City of Philadelphia has issued new regulations to stem the spread. To comply with these mandates, the Right Worshipful Grand Master has ordered that the Masonic Temple be a fully vaccinated institution, and proof of vaccination must be presented in order to enter. While this may seem drastic, the Grand Master feels that this policy is the most effective way to ensure that our Brethren remain safe and healthy. This rule is not intended to exclude unvaccinated Brethren, but rather to protect all Freemasons during these uncertain times. If you have not yet been vaccinated, I implore you to do so for the sake of keeping yourself and others safe. Indeed, it is the Masonic thing to do – aiding our fellow man is the entire purpose of Freemasonry, and one of our cherished Masonic traditions.

These changing times have opened the possibility that we will once again be joined by visitors from other Pennsylvania Lodges and Masonic jurisdictions. We welcome them with open arms – but as we promise in our Oaths and Obligations, they may join us only after we have determined they are fellow Masons through strict trial and due examination. Our lodge program this month will focus on that examination, as Brother Paul A. Kreft, PM, Secretary of this Lodge, guides us through the ancient ritual of the examination of a visitor.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Sincerely and fraternally,

Paul R. Cleveland

Worshipful Master