Representatives from Masonic Region 1, including delegates from Districts A, B, C, D, 5, 6, 8, 36 and 40, will be convening at the Philadelphia Masonic Temple for the annual exemplification of Pennsylvania Masonic Ritual at the Regional School of Instruction. These annual conventions are rendered necessary to ensure that the integrity of Ancient York Freemasonry is preserved across generations. Instructors from the Region 1 School, under the direction of S. Curtis Barrett, will exemplify all three Masonic degrees, after which attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding dialogue, mechanics and ritual work.
Registration will be held at the Philadelphia Masonic Temple at 7:15 a.m. immediately prior to the meeting. All Elected and Appointed Officers of Lodge No. 2 are strongly encouraged to attend (unless prevented by sickness or some other unavoidable occurrence) as are all Instruction Committee members. Any and all Pennsylvania Master Masons are invited to attend.
If you will be accompanying Lodge No. 2 at the Region 1 School of Instruction, kindly RSVP to Ariel Gonzalez, via the button below: