Blog from a Brother - Post 2

“Blog from a Brother” is a space for brethren of Lodge No. 2 to articulate what Freemasonry means to them, their families and their communities. This blog is meant to serve as a sounding board for the lessons inculcated by the fraternity and how it impacts our daily lives, by allowing members to contemplate, philosophize and advocate their experience in the fraternity. If you’d like to contribute to our blog, feel free to reach out to our webmaster here.

"Faith, Hope and Charity
That's the way to live successfully
How do I know? The Bible tells me so."

This little ditty was sung on the Roy Rogers TV Show. Roy Rogers AKA "The King of the Cowboys" made over 100 western movies and had a TV show. He also lent his name to a fast food restaurant. Faith, Hope and Charity appear in the King James Bible at Corinthians 13:13. Faith, Hope And Charity are some of the cornerstones of Freemasonry. So, what does it mean to us as Freemasons?

Faith has been defined as belief and trust. It is a conviction of things not seen. Faith is the bond of friendship and a support of society. Hope is a desire towards some future event. Hope is a ground for expectation, trust or confidence. Charity, or kindness, is said to be the chief of all the social virtues and a characteristic of every Freemason. Charity is devoted to the promotion of the welfare and happiness of humankind and not for the benefit of the individual. 

By the way, Roy Rogers was a Freemason and a member of Hollywood Lodge No. 355, 
also a 33rd degree Mason in the Scottish Rite Valley of Los Angeles, 
and a Shriner in the Al Malaikah Shrine Temple. 

Happy Trails.

Sincerely & Fraternally,Bro. WeAry Traveler

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Bro. WeAry Traveler