Blog from a Brother - Post 1

“Blog from a Brother” is a space for brethren of Lodge No. 2 to articulate what Freemasonry means to them, their families and their communities. This blog is meant to serve as a sounding board for the lessons inculcated by the fraternity and how it impacts our daily lives, by allowing members to contemplate, philosophize and advocate their experience in the fraternity. If you’d like to contribute to our blog, feel free to reach out to our webmaster here.

We get to choose many paths in life.  One of the paths you have chosen is Freemasonry. So what is Freemasonry?  Is it a religion, a cult, advocates for a New World Order, a secret society, the Illuminati, devil worshipers or just a men's supper club?  Of course, as we know, it is none of these. It is an organization of men based on the ancient guild of stonemasons and the building of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem.

To build the temple, the ancient stonemasons would cut a piece of rough stone out of a quarry, make it flat on all sides and have it shipped to the building site. At the building site other stonemasons would place it in the proper position to be later coated over by other stonemasons to make the walls solid with a lasting finish. 

We as Freemasons use this method of the building of the temple as an allegory to our members.  When a new member comes to us we view him as a good solid person but maybe a little rough around the edges.  We first teach him to order his day and to respect authority. Then we suggest he learn about the world around him, also to do as he says he will do, keep his promises, treat others equally as he would like to be treated, and not to put on airs but to be himself. Lastly, we teach him to be faithful to his brother Freemasons and the fraternity.  Hence, one of our motto's is "Making Good Men Better."  The object of the allegory is to say that the brother Freemason is both a polished stone and a temple.

But to the outside world the mystique of Freemasonry is that of a secret society and viewed by many with suspicion.  Reputations are easily earned but very hard to change.  What we must do is show the public that we are good people AND Freemasons.  That is to not be so secretive about it.  Wear that masonic ring or tie, put a placard of square and compasses on your car.  Better yet, get a masonic license plate. Set the example for others by showing diversity, civility, dignity and manners. We can also encourage good people we know to become Freemasons.  This is what Freemasonry is and should be.

Sincerely & Fraternally,Bro. B. Goode

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Bro. B. Goode