Anticipating a COVID-19 Vaccine
/The following “Morning Coffee” podcast segment features Bro. Jordan Barnett, M.D. — Emergency Physician at Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County, and Medical Director of Mt. Laurel Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and member of Lodge No. 2 — as he addresses the prospects of a COVID-19 vaccine in the foreseeable future . If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the coronavirus, feel free to reach out to Bro. Barnett via e-mail at or via his cell at (856) 889-6682.
In the following segment, Bro. Barnett discusses the existing treatments for SAR-CoV-2/COVID-19 as well as the prospects for a future vaccine and the steps taken by scientists, pharmacists and clinicians to rapidly design a safe and efficacious vaccine.