Worshipful Master's Message - February 2022

Each month, the Worshipful Master provides an update on current events in relation to Freemasonry in general and Lodge No. 2 in particular. Please see below for for this month’s message from the Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 2.

Dear Brethren,

As we all know, we are the inheritors of 264 years of Masonic history.  But that history is not limited to the ancient usages, customs, and landmarks of our Fraternity.  We are all custodians of the resources that our predecessors have dedicated to this Lodge.  It is our Masonic duty to wisely preserve and maintain those resources, so that Lodge No. 2 will continue to serve as a beacon of Masonic light in our Fraternity and our community.  By unanimous vote, the Trustees of this Lodge have recommended that our Lodge’s financial assets be placed in the care of PNC Institutional Asset Management. This same branch of PNC already manages a substantial portion of the Grand Lodge’s assets. Accordingly, a team from PNC will be addressing our February Stated Meeting to propose how they would manage our portfolio to achieve our fiscal goals.  Although it may not be as exciting a program as others, this is just as if not more important for the future of our Lodge. 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Sincerely and fraternally,

Paul R. Cleveland

Worshipful Master