Worshipful Master's Message - December 2022
/Each month, the Worshipful Master provides an update on current events in relation to Freemasonry in general and Lodge No. 2 in particular. Please see below for for this month’s message from the Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 2.
Dear Brethren,
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 2 for the past two years. I am forever grateful to all of you for trusting me with presiding over such a venerable institution, and I hope that I have done right by it. As someone who has studied this Lodge’s history, it will always be amazing to me that I have served in the long line of masters that began with Bro. George Brooks in 1757. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of the elected and appointed officers that I have served alongside, I would not have been able to do this job without them. I intend to still be a regular face at meetings, joining the ranks of venerable Past Masters that do so much to bene-fit this Lodge. I have every confidence that my successor in the East, Bro. Douglas Fink, will be an outstanding Worshipful Master, and I look forward to seeing what this Lodge can do under his leadership.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Paul R. Cleveland
Worshipful Master