Worshipful Master's Message - January 2023

Each month, the Worshipful Master provides an update on current events in relation to Freemasonry in general and Lodge No. 2 in particular. Please see below for for this month’s message from the Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 2.

Greetings Brethren,

I sincerely thank you for the honor and privilege to serve you as Worshipful Master of our historic lodge in 2023. Congratulations to Past Master Paul Cleveland on an outstanding year as Worshipful Master. Also, to the newly elected officers who will be serving Lodge No. 2 in 2023.

Our 2023 goal is to have an interesting and entertaining year. The officer’s promise we will do everything possible to make sure our meetings are not mundane. The programs we have lined up promise to be thoroughly thought provoking and entertaining. One important thing that we need for our Lodge to flourish, is to continue to heighten our sense of brotherhood. The more we continue to foster our camaraderie the better off our lodge will be now and in the future.

We also have a goal to continue to cultivate the next generation of leaders. A healthy and strong line always helps to ensure the viability of our lodge. Our goal is to leave the lodge better than we found it. Freemasonry is not a spectator sport, please consider stepping up and helping us to do our work. With your help together we can accomplish anything. We all know it takes a village.

Even though our Masonic work is important we also know how important it is to ensure we are well fed. A happy mason always has a full belly. We promise that we will have good meals for our brethren and guests in 2023. Aside from filling your bellies we also are going to be filling your ears with some wonderful music. We are planning to have live music during each stated meeting dinner.

We also have planned to have an amazing Anniversary Gala on June 17, 2023. The Gala will mark the 267th anniversary of the lodge. We all are looking forward to seeing a packed house at this event. Please mark your calendars and save the date.

All of your lodge officers wish you a wonderful, healthy and happy new year. We are excited to serve all of you.

Lastly, Text me the Mistakes in this Message and win a prize at the next stated meeting.

Fraternally yours,

Douglas H. Fink

Worshipful Master