Worshipful Master's Message - March 2025
/Each month, the Worshipful Master provides an update on current events in relation to Freemasonry in general and Lodge No. 2 in particular. Please see below for this month’s message from the Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 2.
As a firm believer in the principle stated in Brian Tracy’s book “Eat That Frog,” I am first addressing what needs to be addressed that will affect our Lodge moving forward. From a higher power above my pay grade, beginning December 2025, any member that has not paid their annual dues on or before Sat., 27-Dec-2025 will be suspended at Lodge No. 2’s Stated Meeting on Tues., 06-Jan-2026. This is a policy I personally support 100%, due to being in the position to have to chase people down for annual dues. What many do not realize is the time and cost it takes—costs can be replaced; time, once gone, can never be replaced. Always remember, we are charged to follow the rules, regulations, and edicts in which we have all taken that obligation to abide by.
Our annual dues are $100.00 and are used by the Lodge to pay the following costs—Grand Lodge assessments are $52.00 per member and are paid each December; the District D School of Instruction charges the Lodge $1.50 per member; quarterly rents at the Philadelphia Masonic Temple are $1,000.00 (per our membership rolls) whereas parking is another $35.00 per member each meeting. Your returns on investment include complimentary meals and parking at Lodge No. 2’s Stated and Extra Meetings, as well as countless fellowship events throughout the year, free of charge. In other words: simply by attending a lodge-sponsored event, you receive more than what your annual dues cover. Granted, Lodge No. 2’s investments are in a strong position; however, membership carries benefits.
Also, as we are planning to perform all of our degree work at the March and April Extra Meetings, we will not be holding Extra Meetings for the months of May and June. We will resume degree conferrals after we return to labor in September.
Thank you all for everything you do to keep Lodge No. 2 moving forward.
All the best,
Peter B. Lavelle, P.M.
Worshipful Master
Attitude Reflects Leadership.