Lodge No. 2 Serves Meals at Grace Cafe

On Sunday, April 14, 2019 members of Lodge No. 2 and their families partnered with volunteers from other local nonprofits to serve food at Arch Street United Methodist Church to some of Philadelphia’s most vulnerable citizens, many of whom were experiencing homelessness, food insecurity, domestic abuse, mental illness or some combination thereof. Grace Cafe is a ministry overseen by the staff at Arch Street United Methodist Church to address chronic levels of homelessness in Philadelphia while providing food, fun and fellowship to the community in a safe, judgment-free space, regardless of one’s socioeconomic status. Each Sunday from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m., Grace Cafe opens its doors to welcome neighbors from in and around downtown Philadelphia, inviting guests to break bread in a restaurant-like atmosphere. Our volunteers greeted visitors into the sanctuary, helped them find seats, plated and served out food, bussed tables and ensured that all in attendance were catered to with dignity and respect. Lodge No. 2 served more than 170 meals that evening and is very proud to partner with local nonprofits whose goals are aligned with the fraternity’s core mission to make good men better through service to their communities.

To learn more about how you can support Grace Cafe, click here.