Worshipful Master's Message - February 2021
/Each month, the Worshipful Master provides an update on current events in relation to Freemasonry in general and Lodge No. 2 in particular. Please see below for for this month’s message from the Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 2.
Dear Brethren,
Welcome back! Unfortunately, we are again unable to meet at the Temple in Philadelphia. But a meeting away from home is better than no meeting at all. I once again thank Thomson Lodge No. 340 for their generosity in letting us use their building. This bond between our Lodges is certainly unexpected but most welcome, and I am sure we will be able to repay their generosity one day by hosting them in Egyptian Hall!
As I said a few weeks ago, we have an obligation to our community in general and our Masonic family in particular to help as much as we can during these uncertain times. We pride ourselves on Lodge No. 2’s philanthropic works, and I have seen the profound effect it has. When we were last cooking a meal at the Ronald McDonald House, a Past Master of Pocono Lodge No. 780 happened to be staying there so his son could receive life-saving treatment. He told us that as soon as he realized that fellow Brothers of the Craft were providing the food that evening, he was ecstatic. He was so thankful that we gave our time and effort to help him and others like him and offered his Lodge’s hospitality if we ever found ourselves in the Poconos. Moments like that are why we put so much emphasis on Masonic charity.
At our Stated Meeting, I will be providing an overview of the current situation and how I believe our Lodge can financially aid not only institutions that we have worked with before, like the Ronald McDonald House, but also new initiatives that are specifically focused on helping people who have been affected by the pandemic. Although we will likely be unable to do much volunteering in person this year, we can – and we must – still make our presence known.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Paul R. Cleveland
Worshipful Master