Worshipful Master's Message - March 2021

Each month, the Worshipful Master provides an update on current events in relation to Freemasonry in general and Lodge No. 2 in particular. Please see below for for this month’s message from the Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 2.

Dear Brethren,

First a lockdown, then a snowstorm – this Masonic year has definitely gotten off to a rough start! Well, hopefully third time’s the charm. Once again, our March meeting is scheduled to be held at Thomson Lodge No. 340 in Paoli, based upon the Temple’s closure and Philadelphia’s ban on indoor social gatherings. Fortunately, things are trending in the right direction, with the new daily case numbers steadily falling since the beginning of the year. Vaccinations are also proceeding at a steady pace, with over 50 million doses given nationwide – almost two million in Pennsylvania alone. Make sure to know what phase you and your family fall into so you can get vaccinated as soon as possible.

But even though things are looking up, we can’t let our guard down. Scientists attribute the recent fall in new cases to, among other things, proper mask wearing and social distancing – so we need to stay vigilant. The effects of the pandemic are still impacting so many aspects of our lives, even as cases drop. So, as was planned for February, I will be giving a presentation at the meeting on what Lodge No. 2 can do to help those who need it most in our community. And remember to keep in touch with your Brethren! Even though we have been unable to meet in person for a while, our fraternal ties bind us just as much outside the lodge room as within it.

I look forward to finally seeing all of you soon!

Sincerely and fraternally,

Paul R. Cleveland

Worshipful Master