Lodge No. 2 Wins 2nd Place at FEZtival of Trees
/Holiday cheer arrived early this year when members of Lodge No. 2 participated in LuLu Shriners’ FEZtival FEZtival of Trees & Lights Trees & Lights, where 49 Masonic Lodges and Shrines from Philadelphia and the surrounding counties decorated Christmas trees to showcase their support for LuLu Shrine and the local Shriners Hospital for Children. The FEZtival of Trees & Lights with Trains is the premier fundraising event for the LuLu Shrine. Lodges pooled their resources to donate and decorate a pre-lit Christmas tree with ornaments associated with this year’s theme of trains and locomotives. Guests from around the area were then invited into the Shrine Center to tour and rate the winter wonderland of decorated flora as they snacked on seasonal treats, shopped at the holiday marketplace, enjoyed brunch with Santa and participated in various children’s activities.
Representing Lodge No. 2 were Bro. John S. Descano, P.M. and his team. When the voting was done and the results tallied, Lodge No. 2’s entry won second place
A heartfelt thank you and congratulations to our volunteers for making Lodge No. 2’s participation in this year’s FEZtival of Trees & Lights possible.