Robert J. Crotts, P.M. Awarded 60-Year Emblem
/Congratulations on 60 Years of Masonic Service!
During a special communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania held on 20-Jan-2024, Bro. Robert J. Crotts, P.M., was awarded a 60-Year Service Emblem of Gold by Bro. Larry A. Derr, R.W.G.M. for his steadfast commitment to the Craft. With a Masonic career spanning well over half a century, Bro. Robert J. Crotts, P.M., has served the fraternity with honor and distinction as Worshipful Master of Frankford-Brown Lodge No. 751 in 2000 as well as the Most Excellent High Priest of the Harmony Royal Arch Chapter No. 52 in 2015—to name but a few of his many esteemed titles. Among other Masonic affiliations, Bro. Crotts, P.M. also holds plural membership with Lodge No. 2 where we simply know him as the congenial, mirthful Past Master who’s quick with a joke, smart as a tack and always makes time to help our newest inductees get situated in lodge. Corinthian Hall was filled to the brim with Masonic delegations from around the city to celebrate the installation of Bro. James T. Clancy, P.M. as District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District D and to honor Bro. Robert J. Crotts, P.M. in achieving this monumental milestone.